I liked it to help still my mind and get a focus (the first half or 3/4 of the book) I've had this book for a few years, have done most of the first 3/4 of the book, but the last 1/4 is a bit frightening, it tells you to how to (somewhat) develop a black heart, empty face, and black mind (I think those are the words) and basically, for a black mind: you set your mind on a goal, and let nothing sway you from that goal. If someone presents you with information as to why that goal is not achievable you either ignore their advice or you find a way round their problem that they presented. for years I practiced empty face, where I would control my emotions and my reactions to things, and along the way I lost myself (I became emotionless) this took many years to come back from to where I now (again) have a good range of emotions, but I do still have an unnatural ability to shut them down if I want to. Use this area with caution. There is really nothing meaningful in this book. Learn to breath deeply, first consciously, then unconsciously and after a couple of years of doing self ban casino this you are ready for the next lesson. Blah, blah, blah. Probably a good book for the Scientology crowd. Öz Türkçe isimler, ban Türk kültürünün önemli bir parçasıdır.
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In his booked entitled Banned NLP secrets author Daniel Smith reveals the simple truth about NLP that will have you stripping off the illusory layers and getting right down to the bones of advanced self ban casino NLP mastery and then some. He will be exploring in detail the Grand-Master techniques of a tradition that has been lost to time, and you will be introduced to the grandfather of this fascinating modern discipline. Please be warned, some of the techniques in this book are lethal, and as the author states ‘useful for splitting open your mind’ to attain to what he calls the Heart of Mastery. Only by traversing within to the deepest parts of your psyche will you be able to truly grasp the fundamental realization of NLP, something that apparently no-one alive has ever completely mastered. The key concepts and exercises you will learn from this book will guide you in achieving self-mastery and provide you with the skills you need so you can apply these principles to every and all aspects of your life – from the choice of food you eat, the company you keep, to making important decisions in the critical stages of your life, like your career, marriage, children and many others. Ürün Bilgileri. Okullarda ahşap oyun alanları.
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